So…having won another badge of honor for being thrown off of Facebook, this is where I will venting. This is also where I’ll be talking to you guys, so use that combox!!!
Stuff and Snark
These are the links I'd be putting on FB today if I were there:
(1) I’ve long felt that the Democrats have reached the point of outright Evil. They proved it last night.
(2) I trust this guy as far as Ink could throw him.
(3) I like to share at least one shocking item per day.
(4) Caption contest:
Winner will receive a paw print from Ink, suitable for framing.
I appreciate everyone bearing with me while I figure out this stupid software. If anyone knows Wix and can help me, I would be very grateful because I don’t have time for this nonsense.
I lost so many friends — many lifelong — by being thrown off of FB. I don’t have their email addresses and now I have no idea how to find them. I lost the way to chat with my family members quickly and easily. I lost several watercolor groups that I belonged to and was really enjoying. I lost 20+ years of photos. (Yes, I should have backed them up. I was always just about to get around to that.) I lost the ability to make sure everyone was okay every morning, and the ability to pray for those who needed prayer. And, as a writer, I lost 20 years worth of intellectual property. Facebook is honey badger. Or Ink. They don’t care.
I guess the good news is that I have already given up Facebook and many other things for Lent. I’m eventually going to file an appeal with FB, but I’m not going to do that until after Lent is over. Let it be counted unto me as righteousness.
I will keep you up to date on all things Hall-Walker family and on my work. Right now I am consulting on a mini-series set during the beginning of the Decian Persecution. I am happy to have work that I am really enjoying — good content and sane people. The other irons in the fire seem to be heating up, but these things move at a glacial pace. Please pray for my St. Ignatius project, which seems to have found funding for the umpteenth time. Pray that this one doesn’t fall through like all the others.
Have a blessed Ash Wednesday and stay tuned.
One more thing: Ink's daily comments, entitled:
By Ink
What is she blathering about now? Looks like she is taking on yet another project that will get in the way of her feeding me. I don’t know why you people are here, but at least someone will finally know about how I suffer. Job has got nothing on me. Whoever he is. She's been talking about him a lot this week. I half-listen to most of the things she says -- at least enough to hear words like "treat" and "dinner." I tune out anything that starts with "don't." Everyone here is afraid of me because I've put them through a lot of Neosporin. You should see the fits they have to throw to get me to do what they want. Highly entertaining.
So I have a column now. At least it will kill some of the boredom.
For the record, I get in her lap for the rosary every day around 1 pm. If I were entirely Evil, I couldn't do that.
Relieved to see that you have surfaced. You know my stand on FB- sorry for your losses, but good riddance to that bitumen pit. And…I hope you can recover SomeHaveHats, I can’t associate you with “cat ladies.” ( Dogs are conservatives for the most part. )
Kay-ren is back!