Yes, it's true. Facebook tried to wipe me off of the earth. So you won't find me over there any more but you can find me here. I'll continue to rant about my favorite subjects. Wix softwear is supposed to be user-friendly and I'm sure it is to people who already understand how all of this works. It's going to take me awhile to get it set up like I want to, so bear with me in the meantime. There might be a lot of posts before I figure out how to separate them into categories but eventually I'll have everything purring.
I tried to get Some Have Hats going again but I can't remember my password and Typepad says it will send me an email to reset it, but no email ever comes. If I can get that sorted out, I will link that blog to this one.
To be continued...
I'm very excited you've gone to this trouble. I wasn't going to have anyplace to find my news. Anyplace with common sense, a sense of humor, snark, and intelligence. Oh, and importantly, a reverence for the One true, living God. Thank you.